Handheld and Console Gaming is Changing, How Apple is Changing It
Apple and other mobile platforms like Android might change the big three in gaming consoles faster than people think. Gamasutra has an article about Apple’s assault on the gaming industry. Besides...
View ArticleiOS Now Allows Flash (AIR) Native Apps, Unity + MonoTouch are No Longer...
Apple’s official statement on this topic. Well good news, after the massive frenzy of 3.3.1 in the App Store Terms of Service, Apple has been wise to loosen restrictions on the AppStore for native apps...
View ArticleUnity 4.1, Apple TV, AirPlay and the New Consoles
Unity 4.1 is out. Although this blog appears to have become a release watch for Unity, it is because Unity has been nailing it. Apple TV AirPlay This 4.1 update that brings AirPlay to Unity games is...
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